Littering the internet are all kinds of companies promoting their HTML page builder, for free as well as paid. Some are better than others, and all try to carve out a particular set of solutions for specific problems.
The problem is, though they may provide solutions for some issues, other areas of building a web page can remain complex and, at times, costly. Some have a decent program that’s easy to use, yet don’t have a well thought out or easy to manage system in place to make changes to updates to a site.
That’s just one example of concentrating on one feature yet ignoring the usability of others. Though this is the case with a ton of free html template generator software, there are some exceptions, and we’re going to be talking about one of them.
Mobirise is a wysiwyg html editor that is capable of working offline for the sake of convenience. Their system is available to work on Mac’s & PC’s and focus toward creating small to medium-sized webpages.
The best part of what they’ve done at Mobirise is they’ve engineered out all of the complexities involved in page building, and have fashioned an easy to use interface that anybody can use. If you’ve already got a couple of ideas in mind for what you’re looking for in a website, you can have one of your own up and running quickly and easily.
Let’s get the first and most apparent benefit out of the way first. It’s free! There’s nothing to lose by trying out Mobirise. There are different things that you can pay for down the road if you choose to, but there’s no obligation to purchase to make use of this system.
Not only are pages built with Mobirise mobile-friendly, but they’re mobile-friendly first. In other words, other page builders are designed to satisfy PC’s first then modified to be used on mobile devices. Mobirise does precisely the opposite of creating faster sites, sites that work better and look better, on any mobile device as well as desktops & laptops.
As stated above, engineers worked out all of the hard stuff ahead of time. This program is for the layman or novice who hasn’t got a clue about how to create a website, yet know they need one.
When you go with the free option, you’ve got five beautiful themes to choose from in this html editor. However, this can be changed later if one day, you decide to gain access to the selection of over 75 different themes. The five free themes will go above and beyond though, being every bit as functional as the others. With Mobirise creador de html, free doesn’t mean low quality- it only means that it doesn’t cost you anything.
You’ll notice that this tutorial section is small, because using Mobirise editeur html wysiwyg is that easy to use, even for the first time.
Step 1 - Choose which system you’re running, either PC or Mac.
Step 2 - Follow the downloading instructions.
Step 3 - Open up the Mobirise program, and select to start a new site.
Step 4 - To the right of the screen, are blocks for you to drag and drop onto the workspace. Each block is a section of your new page, and you can add however many parts you think you’d like, and edit their appearance afterward.
Step 5 - Click on a block to edit the text and pictures, to reflect whatever your purposes are for the site.
Step 6 - After adding blocks and modifying the text and images, hit the preview button to check out how it’s going to look.
Step 7 - If there are changes that you’d like to make to fine-tune each block, you can do so by changing the block’s parameters via the “change parameters panel.” Go into that panel then select the block that you’d like to tweak.
Step 8 - After you’re satisfied with its appearance (having double-checked it through the preview), it’s time to hit the “upload” button. That’s it. From there, the site will now be uploaded to whatever host you’ve decided to use for your website.
Creating your site doesn’t have to be tricky or complicated. It truly is as easy as the steps above. However, what you choose to do with it, and how you handle SEO will significantly impact the success of your site. Mobirise has taken care of everything on their end to provide a great looking and search engine friendly website, and now it’s on you to fill it up with some pertinent and useful information.