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 Change html5 photo slideshow effect duration manually

Q: Hello support,

I have begun using the wowslider on my website.

The timing is always at about 2 seconds. I have regenerated the slider to
play at about 7 seconds per slide and it runs properly in the demo, but
once on the website, it reverts to the 2 second slide change.

Is there a place i can manually change the seconds setting on the website?


A: Please, make sure that you've uploaded new generated files on your server.

You can also change the transition time manually.
Please, open script.js file in any text editor. You'll find the code there:

jQuery("#wowslider-container1").wowslider(...duration:20*100, delay:20*100...

Notice that you should edit these values the way "delay between slides" > "effect duration".