As we all know, technology is evolving every day and every day there are new developing companies launching interesting solutions for almost every industry. In the case of the internet, there is a wide array of developments related to the creation and programming of attractive and clever webpages.
In this matter, the whole industry is growing fast in terms of how we create websites and content online. Some trends that are coming in 2016 are quite striking and promising, by the way. This has been proven with the huge leap in design tools and software lately.
At this point, you should know some of the upcoming trends for this year. First, more designers are experimenting with full-screen features on their websites. All the reasons for this are closely related to the user experience, as expected. One big motive is the enhanced comfort. Another is to deliver a more striking look, keeping all information from distracting the user from what isn’t relevant.
Modern designers also consider that website creators must increase the use of multimedia resources to represent the site through images and videos in a personal way, instead of using a corporate appearance and feeling. Finally, recent trends aim to a total integration with real-time services, sending information directly to people, just like Twitch and Periscope streams.
In theory, all these trends and features sound great, but which tools and software are using the designers right now? Which ones are capable of making creative ideas a reality online?
Among the top free website builder available right now, users can find Weebly as an amazing alternative. This online service is recognized as one of the first in its class. This flexible and highly accessible tool is a great option for those without knowledge of coding and programming.
Then, Webflow represents one outstanding website builder for people with no time for coding or without the knowledge to do so. This cutting-edge tool aims for a clean creation of websites in several coding languages and engines, without even touching the complex technical background of them.
One last online site builder we can mention has to be Wix, another creation of a marvelous and highly talented startup. This suite can help you by setting up a site in an interactive fashion, without the coding details.
But, the truth is that we are here to talk about Mobirise site builder, a novelty in terms of website design and creation. Let’s take a further look.
Mobirise is the perfect web design application for those who aren’t familiar with other programming tools or extensive coding for interactive sites. It’s an offline-based software created with the purpose of delivering a simple way to developing a fully functional website.
You only need to download and install it. Then, you are ready to go. Mobirise web page builder offers a beautiful and really minimalistic way to create your own website, mainly based in a drag-and-drop system for an easy usage and powerful creative flow. It’s also perfect for quick prototyping because it features a very clean interface and a user-friendly creation platform.
This software was developed recently and it’s actually on beta stage for now. You even could notice that it seems like a very simple and basic web designer software, but don’t let the simplicity of its appearance fool you for one second.
While Mobirise is an easy-to-use website builder with a minimalistic and beautiful interface, it really is a highly powerful software that offers plenty of possibilities to the designer. Users can enjoy several notable features that will catch his or her attention, mainly because it allows to capture all the creative ideas and make them real without major inconvenience.
If you are planning to go into the website creation area but don’t want to go through the complex learning curves of coding, programming, and digital design, the best software to begin with has to be this one indeed. The Mobirise software was developed not only for the creation of websites for visualization on desktop and laptops but also on mobile devices. It does offer the options and tools necessary to change the perspective of the product in several available platforms.
The beta version of Mobirise best free website builder already shows off many potential tools that could represent big benefits for websites designers. But the truth is that this kind of software is always developed to consider users without major knowledge, not professional designers.
Sometimes it doesn’t matter how simplified a online web builder is, instructions are required. So, we will give a brief explanation of how to make a functional website with Mobirise.
If we want to start to create a website from scratch, the first thing we are going to do is click on the red cross (+) in the lower right corner and use the drag-and-drop system. By this moment, we will be able of choosing one by one the elements that are going to be part of the site.
For now, we can only pick one style for the website bootstrap menu, but this can be modified according to your preferences. This is achievable with the use of several built-in tools.
Then, we go and select the header of your choice while doing the same with every block in the right column. The good thing is that you have a great variety to choose from. We have to remember that this software focuses primarily on the exclusive edition of small to medium sites. Among the number of options that we have available to modify our site at will, there are also some interactive features that might be useful for our future website.
In the top left, we can find the Mobirise menu. Click on it and when it’s open, we will see four bars with different applications and uses. The first one say “Pages”, which will allow us to add more pages for our existing site and copy or edit the ones that we have created already. Right below the “Pages” bar, it’s the “Sites” one. In here it’s where we manage our websites. We can save a good amount of sites that have been created by us or importing a website from another designer or creator.
The third bar is called “Sign Up”. While it does not have too much relevance in the creation of webpages, this bar will show a window asking if we want to register and be informed of the last news and updates about the software. Finally, the fourth bar on the left menu is the “Extension & Themes”, which is used to import new styles to our web design.
You could already notice that Mobirise is a online web builder based in a conservative drag-and-drop system. It was developed this way in order to aim a market full of users without coding and programming knowledge. The lack of these technical skills isn’t a problem no more, mainly because the existence of practical and accessible tools like this one.
Mobirise is getting better every day that goes, adding new features and fixing the implemented ones. Its developers are trying to establish a solid alternative for today’s website builders by offering a highly powerful software disguised with a minimalistic and cutting-edge appearance.
This way, the main goal of Mobirise is to attract all kind of customers with its user-friendly interface and give them the necessary tools to create websites in no time.