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 Is it possible to add free html slideshow in Wordpress header

Q: Dear support,

I have recently downloaded wowslider plugin and slide creation tool, and now planning to buy licensed copy in next few days. However before I do that I just want to ensure that it would work with my current template. Please provide the specific code that I need to use in the header and css files.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

A: You can try to use free version of wowslider with your template:

To insert wowslider into header you should use wowslider PHP code.

Go to
wowslider -> All Sliders

and click on "Excerpt view" button at the top right corner. Additional line "for
templates" with php code will appear under line with shortcode. You should add this php
code into your header (Appearance->Editor->Header) into the place where you want your
slider to appear, for example:

<?php wowslider(1); ?>