Englishjquery slider maker  Deutschdiashow erstellen freeware  Españolgaleria de imagenes html  Françaisgalerie jquery  ItalianoImmagini Galleria   汉语网络幻灯片: 效果的幻灯片  Português brasileiroGaleria De Imagens  Русскийслайдер изображений, слайдшоу, CSS слайдер  Svenska Bild Galleri  日本語画像のスライダー&ギャラリー  NederlandsAfbeeldingen Caroussel 

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 Make wordpress content slider to pop up images

Q: I want to use wowslider for an art gallery page I'm building. The slideshow across the bottom would show thumbnails that could then be clicked on for a bigger version of the image that included captioning. But for now all I can make the script do is scroll and open the raw image file.
What can I do?

A: Unfortunately wowslider doesn't provide such option.

I suppose another our product - VisualLightBox would fits your needs more:
