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 Getting "Wrong slider" error in javascript slideshow plugin for Wordpress

Q: I've downloaded the latest version of the wowslider and the wordpress plugin.
When i try to upload the slider wordpress says "Wrong Slider".
Maybe its relevant that the website is not in English.
I will be happy to get some support on that...

A: 1) Try to use "Import from Folder" method.
Copy generated module to "./wp-content/plugins/wow-slider-wordpress-image-slider-plugin/import/" folder and click "Import from Folder" button.

Maybe your module has too big size. In this case "Import from Folder" method will fix the problem.

2) If problem will persist:

* Notice, that wowslider plugin works with WordPress v.3.1 or 3.2. If your version is older, plugin will now work.

* Make sure that you have "write" permission to folder "./wp-content/plugins/wow-slider-wordpress-image-slider-plugin/import/".

* If you use PHP older than version 5, try to add following line:

"AddHandler php5-cgi .php"

into your .htaccess file.

I suppose, that reason of 'Wrong slider' error could be old version of PHP. In this case problem will be fixed. This line will make your server to process .php files using PHP5.