More Demos: bootstrap 4 testimonial slider example, AI Website Builder, HTML slider, Slick carousel, Bootstrap carousel, HTML slideshow, CSS Slideshow, jQuery carousel, Image carousel
It looks pretty good. I wonder what will happen with my sliders when the one your is over? How to view portrait images in landscape mode in slideshow.
I seem to have cut off top and bottom of all slider images. How do you convert from squarer image to rectangle image? How to add image rotator plugin in page section.
Have a discount on the normal price? I work for part of the non-profit system, and we are interested in the Single Website license without the watermark. How to make a sliding image in dreamweaver.
I can mouse over the thumbs fine as well swipe, however the arrows don't function and neither does clicking on the thumbs. How to add silverlight slide show for jquery gallery.
I have two windows computers for now but I may get rid of one and get a mac. How to slide div content vertically in jquery.
I bought wowslider. Can you tell me if this is a freely available wowslider, where I could use this in my template which will be sold? How to insert image in jquery header.
The rounded corners it places on the photos. Is there a place in the CSS file to remove this? How to add a bullet in slider joomla.