Englishslider plugin jquery  Deutschbildergalerie erstellen  Españolcrear slideshow  Françaisjavascript slider  ItalianoImmagini Galleria   汉语网络幻灯片: 效果的幻灯片  Português brasileiroGaleria De Imagens  Русскийслайдер изображений, слайдшоу, CSS слайдер  Svenska Bild Galleri  日本語画像のスライダー&ギャラリー  NederlandsAfbeeldingen Caroussel 

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 Dynamic images in jquery photo gallery free download

Q: Hi:

I was looking at purchasing this for my company, and wanted to know if this supports dynamic images (images pulled from our server)? This will determine whether or not we can use the product.


A: Dynamic imaging is the amalgamation of digital imaging, image editing, and workflow automation. It is used to automate the creation of images by zooming, panning, colorize and performing other image processing and color management operations on a copy of a digital master.

Unfortunately wowslider doesn't provide this option.