Englishimage slider jquery plugin  Deutschjquery bildergalerie  Españoljquery carousel  Françaiscarrousel html  ItalianoImmagini Galleria   汉语网络幻灯片: 效果的幻灯片  Português brasileiroGaleria De Imagens  Русскийслайдер изображений, слайдшоу, CSS слайдер  Svenska Bild Galleri  日本語画像のスライダー&ギャラリー  NederlandsAfbeeldingen Caroussel 

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 Is it possible to use vertical images in fullscreen jquery gallery?

Q: Hi. I'm interested in wowslider, but all of your examples are horizontal layouts. Are you restricted from using images vertically formatted?

A: Yes. it's possible.
Add images to your slideshow, go to

Gallery -> Properties -> Images

select "Custom size" from "Image size" list and assign values for width and height parameters.