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 Ftp connection in web image slideshow

Q: I have always been uploading to a local directory inside Dreamweaver and then ftp the files to server from inside Dreamweaver.

Now I have to change workflow and upload directly by ftp from inside WOW. But it does not work.

What happens is I register FTP settings and check connection - OK.
Then I go out of FTP settings and see site is not listed, but nevertheless add directory details and try to upload.
WOW reports back cannot make connection.
If I open FTP settings all is ok and I can verify connection from here but not upload.

I have tried to save project, close WOW and reopen. No improvement.
I have tried to install all the way back to version 3.0 but no improvement.
I cannot think of any more variants to try.

I can enter ftp data in FTp settings editor, but these are not saved in the drop down list.
If I try to add new location, this just clears what I had without my settings being saved.
New location name is not saved in drop down list either.

This is now critical that I can use FTP uploading.

I need to have many sliders on same site, each with unique directory so drop down list is essential.

You help will be appreciated.

A: Are you able to connect by FTP using the same FTP settings in other FTP Manager?

Check also that you selected the created location from the list of available locations
till you press Publish button.

Actually you can upload wowslider slideshow using ftp manager you usually use.
You should publish slideshow on a local drive in any test folder:

- open Gallery->Publish gallery or click 'Publish' button on the main menu panel;
- select 'Publish to folder', click 'Browse' button and select any local folder;
- click 'Publish' button

Open saved folder you'll find index.html file with slideshow, "data" folder with images
and "engine" folder with .css, .js, files.

You should upload all these files on your server.