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More Demos: Bootstrap carousel, Slick slider, Bootstrap slider, HTML slider, Slick carousel, Bootstrap carousel, HTML slideshow, CSS Slideshow, jQuery carousel, Image carousel
Options list. Use it on init slider:
var options = {
effect: "fade", // or
// effect: "effect name", example: "fade","blur"...
// effect: "name, name", example: "fade, blur..."
prev: "", // prev button text
next: "", // next button text
duration: 1000, // duration of switching images
delay: 2000, // delay between slides
captionDuration: 1000, // caption show duration
captionEffect: 'none', // = "none" | "fade" | "slide" | "move" | [{left1,top1,left2,top2,distance,easing},...]
// left1,top1,left2,top2 = "INT%" || INT
// distance = FLOAT - delay between caption parts = captionDuration*distance
// easing = easing type, now support "linear|swing|easeInOutExpo|easeOutBack|easeOutElastic1|easeOutCirc" from http://jqueryui.com/demos/effect/easing.html
width: 960, // slider width (need for some effect only)
height: 360, // slider height (need for some effect only)
thumbRate: 1, // scrolling speed and method: 0< scroll when approaching the limits, 0> smartscroll algorithm
gestures: 2, // gestures support (swipe slides on touch or click)
// 0 - none
// 1 - devices
// 2 - all
caption: true, // show caption
controls: true, // show controls button (prev/next)
controlsThumb: false, // array with thumb images inside controls
// (templates: Boundary, Dodgy, Utter)
// example ["image1.jpg", "image2.jpg", ...]
keyboardControl: false, // use keyboard to control slides (↠left arrow, → right arrow, space - play/pause)
scrollControl: false, // use mouse ccroll to control slides
autoPlay: true, // auto play slides
autoPlayVideo: false, // autoplay youtube/vimeo video
responsive: 1, // responsive
// 0 - no responsive
// 1 - resposive only;
// 2 - full width slider;
// 3 - full width and height slider
support: jQuery.fn.wowSlider.support, // browser support [transform, transition]
options.loop: 0, // cycles autoplay, Number.MAX_VALUE by default
stopOnHover: 0, // stop slideshow on mouse over
preventCopy: 1, // prevent image copy
playPause: 1, // - show play/pause controll
// startSlide:0 - number of the first slide
images: 0, // on demand images loading
// example: [{src:"./image1.jpg",title:"1"},{src:"./image2.jpg",title:"2"}]
revers: 0, // reverse direction of some effects
stopOn: 0, // stop on current slide
// raised on before slide step, used to change the switch slides order
// @curIdx - current slide, @count - slides count
// @return - next slide number
onBeforeStep: function(curIdx,count){
// return curIdx+1 // next slide
// return curIdx-1 // prev slide - back order
// return (curIdx+1 + Math.floor((count-1)*Math.random())); // random order
// raised after step complete
onStep: function(index){
// console.log( 'New slide index: ' + index )
var slider = jQuery('#wowslider-container1').get(0);
// restart playing
// go to another slider
// slider.wsStart(index, touch, direction);
// @index - index of next slide
// @touch - if touch action
// @direction - custom direction of effect
slider.wsStart(1, false, 1);
// go to next slide
// stop autoplay