Adding WOW Slider to Weebly

1. Create your slideshow using WOWSlider.

We won't pay much attention to the details of creating the slider. You can see another tutorials to understand how to use the WOWSlider application:

Adding the WOWSlider to your website

How to create an image slider and add it into your HTML File

2. Publish your slider to any test folder

- open Slider->Publish or click 'Publish' button on the main menu panel

- select 'Publish to folder', click 'Browse' button and select any local folder

- click 'Publish' button

3. Upload files to your weebly site builder.

Click on 'Design' at the top of the window. Then click 'Edit HTML/CSS'.

Find the 'Files' header and click 'Add new file(s)'.

Find your WOWslider folder where you have published the slider.

You'll find 'engine1' and 'data1' folders there.

You should upload all generated files from these folders separately. (Also you are allowed to rename all the files as you wish).

Attention: some effects (for example: blast, brick) may not appear correctly due to the limited size of html snippet. To prevent it you should add this code to the beginning of your style.css file before uploading it to weebly:

.wcustomhtml {
 overflow-y: visible !important;

Click on the 'Save' button at the top right corner when you have uploaded all the necessary files.

4. Embed the WOWSlider code to weebly.

Copy the code for HEAD and BODY sections of WOWSlider and paste it inside the html

snippet in the place where you want to have a slider.

Now it is necessary to edit the links in your code. You should use absolute paths to all files.

For example:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="engine1/style.css" />

should be edited like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />

where 'yoursitename' is the name of your site.

See the sample of Weebly web page with WOWSlider: transparent-brick-demo

Its code:

<!-- Start HEAD section -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
<!-- End HEAD section -->

<!-- Start BODY section -->
<div id="wowslider-container1">
<div class="ws_images"><ul>
<li><div class="img"><img src="" alt="One Way" title="One Way" id="wows1_0"/></div>Wintage Collection</li>
<li><div class="img"><img src="" alt="Cards" title="Cards" id="wows1_1"/></div>Wintage Collection</li>
<li><div class="img"><img src="" alt="Freedom" title="Freedom" id="wows1_2"/></div>Wintage Collection</li>
<li><div class="img"><img src="" alt="Bridge" title="Bridge" id="wows1_3"/></div>Wintage Collection</li>
<div class="ws_bullets"><div>
<a href="#" title="One Way"><div class="img"><img src="" alt="One Way"/></div>1</a>
<a href="#" title="Cards"><div class="img"><img src="" alt="Cards"/></div>2</a>
<a href="#" title="Freedom"><div class="img"><img src="" alt="Freedom"/></div>3</a>
<a href="#" title="Bridge"><div class="img"><img src="" alt="Bridge"/></div>4</a>

<a href="#" class="ws_frame"></a>
<div class="ws_shadow"></div>

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
 <!-- End BODY section -->

5. Publish your weebly site.

Click on the 'Publish' button situated in the top-right corner.

Here is your Weebly site with an embedded WOWSlider!